Below is a list of the GNSS data providers ordered by country. For each provider, it gives the acronym of the associated GNSS stations. Note that the work is under progress to have a complete list. However, do not hesitate to contact us to keep it updated.
COUNTRY (58) | PROVIDER (225) | ACRONYM | GNSS stations (1278) |
Institut National de l'Information Géographique et Forestière | IGN | (33) | |
Geospatial Information Authority of Japan | GSI | (48) | |
GNS Science | GNS | (23) | |
Service Hydrographique et Océanographique de la Marine | SHOM | (6) | |
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | NOAA | (10) | |
Institut Polaire Français Paul Emile Victor | IPEV | (4) | |
Geoscience Australia | GA | (77) | |
University of Hawai'i Sea Level Centre | UHSLC | (12) | |
UNAVCO | UNAVCO | (89) | |
Delft University of Technology | TUDELFT | (3) | |
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Volcanologia | INGV | (14) | |
Instituto Geografica Nacional de la Republica Argentina | IGNRA | (5) | |
Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute | KASI | (4) | |
Laboratoire de Géologie de l’Ecole normale supérieure | GEOL-ENS | (3) | |
Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde | BAFG | (45) | |
Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris | IPGP | (6) | |
Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía | IECA | (6) | |
National Geo-Spatial Information | NGI | (10) | |
Réseau National GPS permanent | RENAG | (10) | |
Norwegian Mapping Authority - Kartverket | NMA | (21) | |
DTU Space National Space Institute | DTU-Space | (13) | |
LIENSs - OASU | LIENSs-OASU | (18) | |
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique | CNRS | (19) | |
U.S. Coast guard | USCG | (39) | |
Jet Propulsion Laboratory | JPL | (50) | |
Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie | BKG | (21) | |
Ordnance Survey Ireland | OSI | (6) | |
Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística | IBGE | (21) | |
Centro GNSS de Canarias | CGC | (1) | |
Agenzia Spaziale Italiana | ASI | (9) | |
Centre d'Etudes Techniques Maritimes et Fluviales | CETMEF | (7) | |
National Oceanography Centre | NOC | (9) | |
Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut | DGFI | (2) | |
Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia | GFA | (1) | |
Departamento de Geofísica, Centro Sismologico Nacional, Univ. de Chile | DGF-CSN | (1) | |
Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia | JUPEM | (6) | |
Louisiana State University - Center for GeoInformatics | LSU-C4G | (6) | |
North Carolina Geodetic Survey | NCGS | (7) | |
Connecticut Department of Transportation | CT-CONDOT | (1) | |
SmartNet North America | SMRTNT | (10) | |
Alabama Department of Transportation - Alabama Great Seal | ALDOT | (2) | |
Texas Department of Transportation | TxDOT | (4) | |
NYS Spacial Reference Network | NYSDOT | (1) | |
Indian Space Research Organisation - Telemetry Tracking and Command Network | ISTRAC-ISRO | (3) | |
Instituto Geografico Agustin Codazzi | IGAC | (3) | |
Institut Cartografic i Geologic de Catalunya | ICGC | (1) | |
SATINFO Réseau GNSS | SAT-INFO | (8) | |
TERIA | TERIA | (21) | |
Massachusetts Department of Transportation | MassDOT | (3) | |
Maine Department of Transportation | MaineDOT | (2) | |
Virginia Department of Transportation | VDOT | (1) | |
State of Alaska, Department of Transportation Central Region Survey Section | AK-DOT | (2) | |
Geological Survey of Canada | GSC | (14) | |
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency | JAXA | (1) | |
Instituto Geografico Nacional Tommy Guardia | IGNTG | (2) | |
Ordnance Survey Geodesy and Positioning | OS | (36) | |
Kadaster | NSGI | (11) | |
Diputacion Foral de Vizcaya | DFV | (2) | |
Real Instituto y Observatorio de la Armada | RIOA | (3) | |
Servicio de Informacion Territorial de las Islas Baleares | SITIB | (2) | |
Observatoire de Recherche Méditerranéen de l'Environnement | OREME | (2) | |
Marine Institute | MI | (2) | |
Agency for Data Supply and Infrastructure | SDFI | (22) | |
Instituto Geofisico de Escuela Politécnica Nacional | IGEPN | (4) | |
The Canadian High Arctic Ionospheric Network | CHAIN | (1) | |
Laboratoire de l'Atmosphère et des Cyclones | LACY | (1) | |
Digitaal Vlaanderen | DV | (7) | |
British Columbia Active Control System | BCACS | (3) | |
National Observatory of Athens | NOA | (6) | |
South Carolina Geodetic Survey | SCGS | (3) | |
National Park Service | NPS | (3) | |
Institut Cartogràfic Valencià | ICV | (1) | |
Puerto Rico Seismic Network | PRSN-UPRM | (1) | |
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory | LDEO | (1) | |
EarthScope Consortium | EC | (4) | |
Institute of Astronomy University of Latvia | LUAI | (1) | |
Queensland Department of Environment and Science | DESI-QLD | (11) | |
NSW Spatial Services | NSW-SS | (12) | |
German Aerospace Center | DLR | (1) | |
Nationaal Geografisch Instituut | NGI | (1) | |
Maritieme Dienstverlening en Kust | MDK | (1) | |
Chalmers University of Technology | CUT | (1) | |
Onsala Space Observatory | OSO | (1) | |
Badan Informasi Geospasial | BIG | (14) | |
Ultimate Positionning Group | UPG | (6) | |
Department of Transport and Main Roads QLD | TMR - QLD | (6) | |
Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Manufacturing, and Regional and Rural Development - Queensland | NRMMRRD-QLD | (2) | |
Department of Transport and Planning - Victoria | DTP-VIC | (1) | |
RTK NetWest | RTK NetWest | (1) | |
ARG | Estacion Astronomica Rio Grande | EARG | (3) |
AUS | Department of Environment & Primary Industries | DEPI | (3) |
AUS | Department Infrastructure, Planning & Logistics | DIPL | (2) |
AUS | IPS Radio and Space Services - Australia Bureau of Meteorology | IPS | (1) |
AUS | Australian Surveying & Land Information Group | AUSLIG | (1) |
AUS | Curtin University | Curtin University | (1) |
BEN | Institut Geographique National du Benin | IGN-BJ | (1) |
BRA | Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais | INPE | (1) |
BRB | Coastal Zone Management Unit | CZMU | (2) |
CAN | National Resources Canada | NRCan | (30) |
CAN | Dept. Internal Services | ISD | (1) |
CHE | Swiss Federal Office of Topography | SWISSTOPO | (1) |
CHL | Center for Space Studies | CEC | (2) |
CHL | Universidad de Concepcion | UdeC | (1) |
CHL | Universidad de Antofagasta | UANTOF | (1) |
CHL | Universidad de Santiago de Chile | USACH | (1) |
COL | Servicio Geologico Colombiano | SGC | (1) |
CPV | Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia e Geofisica | INMG | (1) |
CRI | Registro Nacional Republica Costa Rica | RNP | (3) |
CYM | Cayman Land Info | CAYMAN | (1) |
DEU | Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum | GFZ | (21) |
DNK | Danish Geodata Agency | GST | (1) |
DOM | Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña | UNPHU | (3) |
ECU | Instituto Geografico Militar Ecuador | IGM_EC | (2) |
EGY | Centre d'Etudes Alexandrines | CEAlex | (2) |
ESP | Instituto Geografico Nacional | IGNE | (42) |
ESP | Puertos del Estado | PDE | (9) |
ESP | Geodetic Department Universtidad de Cantabria | UC | (1) |
ESP | Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia | IEO | (1) |
ESP | Department of Applied Geodesy - Aranzadi Society of Sciences | ADAG | (1) |
EST | Estonian Land Board | ELB | (15) |
FIN | Finnish Geospatial Research Institute, National Land Survey of Finland | FGI-NLS | (5) |
FRA | Laboratoire d'Etudes en Geophysique et Oceanographie Spatiale | LEGOS | (6) |
FRA | Direction des Infrastructures, de la Topographie et des Transports Terrestres | DITTT | (7) |
FRA | Port Autonome de Nantes - Saint-Nazaire | PANSN | (1) |
FRA | Centre National d"Etudes Spatiales | CNES | (23) |
FRA | GIE Coop&Tech - Réseau RTK - Groupement de Cooperatives Agricoles | GIE Coop&Tech | (3) |
FRA | Ville de Nice | Ville de Nice | (1) |
FRA | Grand Port Maritime du Havre | HAROPA | (1) |
FRA | Communauté Urbaine de Dunkerque | CUD | (1) |
FRA | Ville de Cannes - Direction des systèmes d'information Géographique | Ville de Cannes | (3) |
FRA | Ecole Normale Superieure / CNRS - Laboratoire de Geologie | ENS-GEOLOLOGIE | (1) |
FRA | IPG - Observatoire volcanologique du Piton de la Fournaise | IPG | (1) |
FRA | DTAM - Phares et Balises | DTAM | (2) |
FRA | Météo France | MF | (1) |
FRA | Grand Port Maritime de Nantes | GPMN | (1) |
FRA | Service des Phares et Balises de Guyane | DM-GUYANE | (2) |
FRA | Institut National de l'Information Géographique et Forestière | IGN | (1) |
FRA | GéoAzur - Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur | GeoAzur - OCA | (1) |
GBR | NERC British Isles continuous GNSS Facility | BIGF | (14) |
GBR | Bermuda Institute of Ocean Science | BIOS | (1) |
GBR | European Space Agency | ESA | (1) |
GRC | National Technical University of Athens | NTUA | (1) |
GRC | Hellenic National Tsunami Warning Centre | HL-NTWC | (1) |
HKG | Lands Department - Hong-Kong | LD-HK | (12) |
HRV | State Geodetic Administration | SGA | (4) |
HRV | Hydrographic Institute of the Republic of Croatia | HHI | (1) |
IDN | National Coordination Agency for Surveys and Mapping | BAKOSURTANAL | (2) |
IRN | National Cartographic Center of I.R.IRAN | NCC | (1) |
ISR | Survey of Israel (SOI) | SOI | (2) |
ITA | Università degli Studi di Ferrara | UNIFE | (1) |
ITA | Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto di Scienze Marine | CNR- ISMAR | (3) |
ITA | Regione Campania | RC | (1) |
ITA | Regione Abruzzo | RAbruzzo | (1) |
ITA | Cooperativa San Martino | COOPSM | (1) |
ITA | e-geos S.p.A. - una societa ASI/Telespazio | TPZ | (3) |
ITA | Universita' di Cagliari - Dip. Ingegneria Strutturale - Sez. Topografia | DISIG-Cagliari | (1) |
KOR | National Geographic Information Institute | NGII | (1) |
KOR | Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Administration | KHOA | (8) |
LKA | Surveyor General's Office Colombo | SGOC | (1) |
LTU | Geodetic Institute of Vilnius TU | VGTU GI | (1) |
LUX | University of Luxembourg | UL | (5) |
LVA | Latvijas Geotelpiskas Informacijas Agentura | LGIA_LatPOS | (2) |
MDG | Institute Observatory of Geophysics of Antananarivo | IOGA | (1) |
MDV | Gan Meteorological Office | GANMET | (1) |
MEX | Instituto de Geofísica - Servicio Mareográfico Nacional - UNAM | SMN-UNAM | (17) |
MEX | Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía | INEGI | (6) |
MEX | Instituto Municipal de Investigación y Planeación de Ensenada | IMIP | (1) |
NAM | Directorate of Survey and Mapping Namibia | DSM-NAM | (1) |
NZL | Land Information New Zealand | LINZ | (13) |
NZL | University of Otago | uOtago | (2) |
OMN | Petroleum Development Oman | PDO | (1) |
PER | Instituto geografico del peru | IGN PERU | (1) |
PHL | National Mapping and Resource Information Authority | NAMRIA | (13) |
PHL | Naval Forces West | NFW | (1) |
PHL | Mindanao State University | MSU | (1) |
POL | Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences | SRC-PAS | (1) |
PRT | Space & Earth Geodetic Analysis Laboratory | SEGAL | (3) |
PRT | Direccao de Servicos de Cartografia e Informacao Geografica | DSCIG | (1) |
PRT | Direcao-Geral do Territorio | DGT | (2) |
PYF | Université de la Polynesie francaise | UPF | (9) |
ROU | National Institute for Earth Physics | NIEP | (2) |
ROU | National Center for Cartography - ROMPOS Bureau | NCC - ROMPOS | (1) |
RUS | SmartNet Russia | SMARTNET | (1) |
RUS | Research Station of RAS | RS-RAS | (9) |
RUS | Geophysical Observatory Arti | ARS | (1) |
SEN | Universite Cheikh Anta Diop | UCAD | (1) |
SEN | Direction des Travaux Geographiques et Cartographiques | ANAT/DTGC | (1) |
SGP | Nanyang Technological University | NTU | (1) |
SGP | Singapore Land Authority | SLA | (5) |
SGP | Earth Observatory of Singapore | Singapore EO | (1) |
SVN | Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia | SMARS | (1) |
SWE | Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute | SMHI | (1) |
TWN | National Measurement Laboratory ; Industrial Technology Research Institute | NML - ITRI | (2) |
TWN | Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica | IES | (5) |
TZA | Tanzania Ports Authority | TPA | (1) |
URY | Servicio geographico militar | SGM | (2) |
USA | National Geodetic Survey | NGS | (13) |
USA | US Geological Survey | USGS | (12) |
USA | University of California - Berkeley Seismological Laboratory | UC-BSL | (6) |
USA | U.S. Naval Observatory | USNO | (4) |
USA | National Radio Astronomy Observatory | NRAO | (5) |
USA | University of the Virgin Islands | UVI | (2) |
USA | BP | BP - BPEXAK | (1) |
USA | Plate Boundary Observatory - EarthScope | PBO | (4) |
USA | Federal Aviation Administration | FAA | (3) |
USA | University of Maryland, Baltimore County | UMBC | (1) |
USA | Washington State Reference Network | WSRN | (4) |
USA | National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency | NGA | (7) |
USA | CICESE Laboratorio del Nivel del Mar | CICESE | (1) |
USA | University of Maine at Machias | UMM | (1) |
USA | Scripps Orbit and Permanent Array Center | SOPAC | (1) |
USA | Pacific GPS Facility - Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology - University of Hawaii at Manoa | PGF | (15) |
USA | Florida Department of Transportation | FDOT | (10) |
VEN | Centro de Procesamiento y Analisis GNSS SIRGAS de LUZ | CPAGS-LUZ | (1) |
ZAF | The Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory | HartRAO | (4) |
The GNSS observations that we provide are in the form of daily 30s files (24h of observations at 30s intervals) in the standard international RINEX format. Further information on the RINEX files.
Apart from the RINEX observation files of the GNSS stations, SONEL provides ancillary information which enables a precise analysis of the GNSS measurements, in particular :
– the precise orbits of IGS,
– the Earth orientation parameters of IGS.
The GPS observations are published on the anonymous FTP server of SONEL ( The conditions of access are that the origin of the data is acknowledged in all communications, oral or written. Further details.
The FileZilla tool is a free client ftp which allows you to access the data.
- The processing of GPS observations is particularly complex for the calculation of vertical movements of the land on which the tide gauges are placed (movements of the order of mm/year). The article published in 2007 by the members of the consortium of the ‘ULR’ GPS analysis centre describes the difficulties and the challenges raised by this issue. The figure opposite illustrates the challenges : shown on the left is a series of average sea levels measured with tide gauges ; in the middle the series are corrected with the predictions of the de postglacial rebound model ICE5G (VM2); on the right with the GPS velocities obtained by the ‘ULR’ centre in ITRF2008.
- To meet this challenge SONEL relies on the ULR analysis centre whose computation facilitiy is situated at the University of La Rochelle. The cluster acquired in 2008 reduced significantly the calculation time, from 1 year down to 2-3 weeks to process 10 years of GPS observations from a global network of some 200 stations. This has opened up new perspectives of experimentation and important avenues of research (new strategies, modeling, corrections). In particular, it enabled the ULR group to collaborate with 9 of the most prestigious groups in the spatial field in the first reprocessing campaign of the international service IGS.
– The latest ULR solution published in Global and Planetary Change is available in SONEL as time series of daily positions and velocities. Click on the link below to obtain more details and retrieve the results.
2025-02-27 | New data | SWIO | 64 Rinex3 files between 2024-303 and 2024-366 |
2025-02-25 | New GNSS | NJA1 | No data available for NJA1 |
2025-02-14 | New data | MUTG | 192 Rinex3 files between 2022-002 and 2022-194 |
2025-02-11 | New data | 0750 | 1267 Rinex2 files between 2013-130 and 2025-057 |
2025-02-11 | New data | UHTG | 104 Rinex3 files between 2024-196 and 2025-057 |
2025-02-10 | New GNSS | FWTR | Reference frame station |
2025-02-03 | New GNSS | MCEI | Reference frame station |
2025-02-03 | New GNSS | MERO | Reference frame station |
2025-02-03 | New GNSS | N303 | Reference frame station |
2025-01-22 | New GNSS | 0750 | Reference frame station |
2025-01-08 | New GNSS | CFS2 | Reference frame station |
2025-01-08 | New GNSS | CFTG | No data available for CFTG |
2025-01-08 | New GNSS | ABNY | Reference frame station |
2025-01-08 | New GNSS | TUVT | Reference frame station |
2025-01-08 | New GNSS | URTG | Reference frame station |
2025-01-07 | New GNSS | CMRE | Reference frame station |
2025-01-07 | New GNSS | NSFT | Reference frame station |
2025-01-07 | New GNSS | SSFT | Reference frame station |
In order to get a better idea of the status and opportunities on continuous GPS positioning of tide gauges, a survey is carried out periodically within various geoscience communities. The survey aims to identify the existing permanent GPS stations which are close to tide gauges (up to approximately 10-15 km).
– The survey results can be viewed in conjunction with SONEL data holdings on the map (above). Purple symbols correspond to stations for which there are no observations in SONEL yet.
– By clicking on the table icon an on-line updated view of the CGPS@TG information that has been supplied to us is displayed. The table can be sorted by clicking on the column items, and a version of the view (table) can be downloaded in a format compatible with applications like excel (.csv).
- A ’.kmz’ file provides a Google Earth view of the CGPS@TG geographical distribution. The cgpstg.kmz file is consistent with the above mentionned table (updated weekly). Clicking on a station symbol provides ancillary information on the station, and further clicking on the station name provides access to the so-called GPS sitelog (if the GPS data are available). The CGPS@TG ’kmz’ view might be useful in conjunction with the ’.kmz’ files of satellite radar altimetry ground tracks provided by CLS, or with the ’.kmz’ file of tide gauge records provided by the PSMSL.
– In addition to the periodic surveys, information on CGPS@TG co-locations can also be supplied to us any time by filling in this form. Thank you in advance for your collaboration.
– The sitelog generation tool can help you generate a sitelog file for your station, suitable with IGS requirements.