GNSS Data Providers

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GNSS Data Providers

Below is a list of the GNSS data providers ordered by country. For each provider, it gives the acronym of the associated GNSS stations. Note that the work is under progress to have a complete list. However, do not hesitate to contact us to keep it updated.

COUNTRY (59)     PROVIDER (215) ACRONYM GNSS stations (1223)    
Institut National de l'Information Géographique et Forestière IGN  (32)
Geospatial Information Authority of Japan GSI  (47)
GNS Science GNS  (21)
Service Hydrographique et Océanographique de la Marine SHOM  (6)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA  (9)
Institut Polaire Français Paul Emile Victor IPEV  (4)
Geoscience Australia GA  (79)
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Volcanologia INGV  (14)
Instituto Geografica Nacional de la Republica Argentina IGNRA  (5)
Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute KASI  (3)
Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde BAFG  (42)
Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris IPGP  (6)
Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística IBGE  (21)
Centro GNSS de Canarias CGC  (7)
Agenzia Spaziale Italiana ASI  (9)
Centre d'Etudes Techniques Maritimes et Fluviales CETMEF  (7)
National Oceanography Centre NOC  (8)
Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía IECA  (6)
National Geo-Spatial Information NGI  (10)
Réseau National GPS permanent RENAG  (10)
Norwegian Mapping Authority - Kartverket NMA  (21)
DTU Space National Space Institute DTU-Space  (12)
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS  (18)
U.S. Coast guard USCG  (39)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory JPL  (50)
Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie BKG  (21)
Ordnance Survey Ireland OSI  (6)
Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia JUPEM  (6)
North Carolina Geodetic Survey NCGS  (7)
Connecticut Department of Transportation CT-CONDOT  (1)
SmartNet North America SMRTNT  (11)
Alabama Department of Transportation - Alabama Great Seal ALDOT  (2)
Texas Department of Transportation TxDOT  (4)
NYS Spacial Reference Network NYSDOT  (1)
Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut DGFI  (2)
Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia GFA  (1)
Indian Space Research Organisation - Telemetry Tracking and Command Network ISTRAC-ISRO  (3)
Instituto Geografico Agustin Codazzi IGAC  (3)
Massachusetts Department of Transportation MassDOT  (3)
Maine Department of Transportation MaineDOT  (1)
Virginia Department of Transportation VDOT  (1)
State of Alaska, Department of Transportation Central Region Survey Section AK-DOT  (2)
Geological Survey of Canada GSC  (14)
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency JAXA  (1)
Instituto Geografico Nacional Tommy Guardia IGNTG  (2)
Ordnance Survey Geodesy and Positioning OS  (36)
Kadaster NSGI  (11)
Diputacion Foral de Vizcaya DFV  (2)
Real Instituto y Observatorio de la Armada RIOA  (3)
Servicio de Informacion Territorial de las Islas Baleares SITIB  (2)
Observatoire de Recherche Méditerranéen de l'Environnement OREME  (2)
EarthScope Consortium EC  (4)
Institute of Astronomy University of Latvia LUAI  (1)
Queensland Department of Environment and Science DESI-QLD  (11)
NSW Spatial Services NSW-SS  (10)
German Aerospace Center DLR  (1)
Marine Institute MI  (2)
Agency for Data Supply and Infrastructure SDFI  (20)
Instituto Geofisico de Escuela Politécnica Nacional IGEPN  (4)
The Canadian High Arctic Ionospheric Network CHAIN  (1)
Laboratoire de l'Atmosphère et des Cyclones LACY  (1)
Digitaal Vlaanderen DV  (6)
British Columbia Active Control System BCACS  (3)
National Observatory of Athens NOA  (6)
South Carolina Geodetic Survey SCGS  (3)
National Park Service NPS  (3)
Institut Cartogràfic Valencià ICV  (1)
Puerto Rico Seismic Network PRSN-UPRM  (1)
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory LDEO  (1)
ARG Estacion Astronomica Rio Grande EARG  (3)
AUS Department of Environment & Primary Industries DEPI  (3)
AUS Department Infrastructure, Planning & Logistics DIPL  (2)
AUS IPS Radio and Space Services - Australia Bureau of Meteorology IPS  (1)
AUS Australian Surveying & Land Information Group AUSLIG  (1)
AUS Curtin University Curtin University  (1)
BEN Institut Geographique National du Benin IGN-BJ  (1)
BRA Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais INPE  (1)
BRB Coastal Zone Management Unit CZMU  (2)
CAN National Resources Canada NRCan  (30)
CAN Dept. Internal Services ISD  (1)
CHE Swiss Federal Office of Topography SWISSTOPO  (1)
CHL Departamento de Geofísica, Centro Sismologico Nacional, Univ. de Chile DGF - CSN  (1)
CHL Center for Space Studies CEC  (2)
CHL Universidad de Concepcion UdeC  (1)
CHL Universidad de Antofagasta UANTOF  (1)
CHL Universidad de Santiago de Chile USACH  (1)
COL Servicio Geologico Colombiano SGC  (1)
CPV Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia e Geofisica INMG  (1)
CRI Registro Nacional Republica Costa Rica RNP  (3)
CYM Cayman Land Info CAYMAN  (1)
DEU Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ  (21)
DNK Danish Geodata Agency GST  (1)
DOM Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña UNPHU  (3)
ECU Instituto Geografico Militar Ecuador IGM_EC  (2)
EGY Centre d'Etudes Alexandrines CEAlex  (2)
ESP Instituto Geografico Nacional IGNE  (42)
ESP Puertos del Estado PDE  (9)
ESP Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia IEO  (1)
ESP Geodetic Department Universtidad de Cantabria UC  (1)
ESP Department of Applied Geodesy - Aranzadi Society of Sciences ADAG  (1)
EST Estonian Land Board ELB  (15)
FIN Finnish Geospatial Research Institute, National Land Survey of Finland FGI-NLS  (5)
FRA Laboratoire d'Etudes en Geophysique et Oceanographie Spatiale LEGOS  (6)
FRA Direction des Infrastructures, de la Topographie et des Transports Terrestres DITTT  (6)
FRA Port Autonome de Nantes - Saint-Nazaire PANSN  (1)
FRA Laboratoire de Géologie de l’Ecole normale supérieure GEOL ENS  (3)
FRA Centre National d"Etudes Spatiales CNES  (23)
FRA GIE Coop&Tech - Réseau RTK - Groupement de Cooperatives Agricoles GIE Coop&Tech  (3)
FRA Ville de Nice Ville de Nice  (1)
FRA Grand Port Maritime du Havre HAROPA  (1)
FRA Communauté Urbaine de Dunkerque CUD  (1)
FRA Ville de Cannes - Direction des systèmes d'information Géographique Ville de Cannes  (3)
FRA Ecole Normale Superieure / CNRS - Laboratoire de Geologie ENS-GEOLOLOGIE  (1)
FRA IPG - Observatoire volcanologique du Piton de la Fournaise IPG  (1)
FRA DTAM - Phares et Balises DTAM  (2)
FRA Météo France MF  (1)
FRA Grand Port Maritime de Nantes GPMN  (1)
FRA Service des Phares et Balises de Guyane DM-GUYANE  (2)
FRA Institut National de l'Information Géographique et Forestière IGN  (1)
FRA GéoAzur - Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur GeoAzur - OCA  (1)
GBR NERC British Isles continuous GNSS Facility BIGF  (14)
GBR Bermuda Institute of Ocean Science BIOS  (1)
GBR European Space Agency ESA  (1)
GRC National Technical University of Athens NTUA  (1)
GRC Hellenic National Tsunami Warning Centre HL-NTWC  (1)
HKG Lands Department - Hong-Kong LD-HK  (9)
HRV Hydrographic Institute of the Republic of Croatia HHI  (1)
HRV State Geodetic Administration SGA  (4)
IDN National Coordination Agency for Surveys and Mapping BAKOSURTANAL  (2)
IRN National Cartographic Center of I.R.IRAN NCC  (1)
ISR Survey of Israel (SOI) SOI  (2)
ITA Università degli Studi di Ferrara UNIFE  (1)
ITA Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto di Scienze Marine CNR- ISMAR  (3)
ITA Regione Campania RC  (1)
ITA Regione Abruzzo RAbruzzo  (1)
ITA Cooperativa San Martino COOPSM  (1)
ITA e-geos S.p.A. - una societa ASI/Telespazio TPZ  (3)
ITA Universita' di Cagliari - Dip. Ingegneria Strutturale - Sez. Topografia DISIG-Cagliari  (1)
KOR National Geographic Information Institute NGII  (1)
KOR Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Administration KHOA  (8)
LKA Surveyor General's Office Colombo SGOC  (1)
LTU Geodetic Institute of Vilnius TU VGTU GI  (1)
LUX University of Luxembourg UL  (5)
LVA Latvijas Geotelpiskas Informacijas Agentura LGIA_LatPOS  (2)
MDG Institute Observatory of Geophysics of Antananarivo IOGA  (1)
MDV Gan Meteorological Office GANMET  (1)
MEX Instituto de Geofísica - Servicio Mareográfico Nacional - UNAM SMN-UNAM  (17)
MEX Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía INEGI  (6)
MEX Instituto Municipal de Investigación y Planeación de Ensenada IMIP  (1)
NAM Directorate of Survey and Mapping Namibia DSM-NAM  (1)
NLD Delft University of Technology TUDELFT  (5)
NZL Land Information New Zealand LINZ  (13)
NZL University of Otago uOtago  (1)
OMN Petroleum Development Oman PDO  (1)
PER Instituto geografico del peru IGN PERU  (1)
PHL National Mapping and Resource Information Authority NAMRIA  (13)
PHL Naval Forces West NFW  (1)
PHL Mindanao State University MSU  (1)
POL Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences SRC-PAS  (1)
PRT Space & Earth Geodetic Analysis Laboratory SEGAL  (3)
PRT Direccao de Servicos de Cartografia e Informacao Geografica DSCIG  (1)
PRT Direcao-Geral do Territorio DGT  (2)
PYF Université de la Polynesie francaise UPF  (8)
ROU National Institute for Earth Physics NIEP  (2)
ROU National Center for Cartography - ROMPOS Bureau NCC - ROMPOS  (1)
RUS SmartNet Russia SMARTNET  (1)
RUS Research Station of RAS RS-RAS  (9)
RUS Geophysical Observatory Arti ARS  (1)
SEN Universite Cheikh Anta Diop UCAD  (1)
SEN Direction des Travaux Geographiques et Cartographiques ANAT/DTGC  (1)
SGP Nanyang Technological University NTU  (1)
SGP Singapore Land Authority SLA  (5)
SGP Earth Observatory of Singapore Singapore EO  (1)
SVN Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia SMARS  (1)
SWE Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute SMHI  (1)
TWN National Measurement Laboratory ; Industrial Technology Research Institute NML - ITRI  (2)
TWN Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica IES  (5)
TZA Tanzania Ports Authority TPA  (1)
URY Servicio geographico militar SGM  (2)
USA National Geodetic Survey NGS  (13)
USA University of Hawai'i Sea Level Centre UHSLC  (4)
USA US Geological Survey USGS  (12)
USA University of California - Berkeley Seismological Laboratory UC-BSL  (6)
USA U.S. Naval Observatory USNO  (4)
USA National Radio Astronomy Observatory NRAO  (5)
USA University of the Virgin Islands UVI  (2)
USA Louisiana State University - Center for GeoInformatics LSU-C4G  (4)
USA Plate Boundary Observatory - EarthScope PBO  (4)
USA Federal Aviation Administration FAA  (3)
USA University of Maryland, Baltimore County UMBC  (1)
USA Washington State Reference Network WSRN  (4)
USA National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency NGA  (7)
USA CICESE Laboratorio del Nivel del Mar CICESE  (1)
USA University of Maine at Machias UMM  (1)
USA Scripps Orbit and Permanent Array Center SOPAC  (1)
USA Pacific GPS Facility - Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology - University of Hawaii at Manoa PGF  (15)
USA Florida Department of Transportation FDOT  (10)
VEN Centro de Procesamiento y Analisis GNSS SIRGAS de LUZ CPAGS-LUZ  (1)
ZAF The Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory HartRAO  (4)