The aim of SONEL is scientific applications. In this respect the agencies which provide SONEL with tide gauge data have agreed to a free publication policy (SHOM, LEGOS,...). Users of tide gauge data published on SONEL agree to :
– register as a user of SONEL,
– describe briefly the aim of their studies and the context (agency, funding, programme etc.),
– communicate the final and/or partial results of the studies (reports, articles etc.),
– cite the source of the data (agency that produced the data, for example: SHOM, LEGOS ) and the access to the data (in this case SONEL),
– communicate any problem with a bearing on the quality or the integrity of the data,
– not to provide data to a third party, instead they should give the address of the third party to SONEL.
The data producer cannot be held responsible for the scientifc uses made of the data, our approach is one of research and questioning which may even include the measurements themselves.
As for the operational pratical or commercial applications, the users are asked to contact the agencies that produced the data (this information which can be found in the documentation files attached to the data), since these applications are distinct not just in terms of the economic and financial stakes, but also through the responsabilities that should be examined on a case by case basis. Offenders have no garantee as to the integrite or the quality of the data. Moreover, they may be liable to prosecution.